Health Coaching – What Does the Process Look Like?

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There is a common misconception that health coaching is just about nutrition and exercise.  While its extremely important, there are so many other factors that one has to consider to optimize one’s health.  Stress is the number one culprit of dis-ease and this day in age it’s unavoidable, yet there are many ways for it to be managed so that the body doesn’t get taken down as well.  Depending on the client’s individuality, I implement a variety of techniques to help calm the system and get them into more of a parasympathetic state. The more calm the body and mind is, the more one can thrive and manifest.

While focusing on all the problems in the past can cause a deficit in the body, it IS important to uncover the major ones that may be preventing the emotional and physical bodies from functioning optimally.  Through my clairvoyant process of “seeing” energy, I am able to scan the body and uncover certain blocks or traumas that can be cleared much more effectively than traditional therapy. I then implement processes that allow for the client to keep their thoughts and energy on track. A client’s energy also shows me certain potentials and opportunities for them and their life path that they may be overlooking. Or, deep down they know of them but the added confirmation helps them to propel forward.

In addition to the above, I address relationship with self and others, as well as career or creative issues as a life filled with passion and purpose is essential for our well-being.  And lastly: A spiritual practice, whatever that means to you whether its, yoga, daily ritual, prayer or a simple walk in nature. I’d love to work with you and help you achieve optimum health and your fullest potential. Sign up below to schedule a 15-minute discovery call.

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